Are you new to town, wishing you knew more people?

Have you lived here since you were three years old but don’t feel fully engaged with our community?

Do you have kids about to go off to college? (Or are you a kid, graduated, thinking about how you and this town can help each other out?)

Are you retired, but antsy?

Or, are you just looking for a good and useful time in this world?

If you are any of those, volunteer for Ashfield’s Fall Festival!

Ashfield’s Fall Festival is our town’s annual celebration of all things Autumn and Ashfield, all right here in our downtown. While its actual and original purpose is to raise funds for the Ashfield Citizens Scholarship Fund, it is also a place that Ashfield clubs and service organizations raise money, a showcase for Ashfield artisans and businesses, and a place for Ashfield kids to develop and use their own creative, social and business skills.

Here’s a list of the volunteer positions we’re looking for. If any of these look interesting to you, let us know. If none of these look interesting to you, but you’d still like to volunteer with the fest, let us know that, too and we will find a fit for you.

Email us at AshfieldFallFestival@gmail.com and we will connect you with everyone you need to know.


3-4 people needed

Help set up on Friday am, tear down Sunday 5 pm/Monday am

Set up includes: Putting up “no parking” signs, placing garbage cans, setting up Meadow Lane parking lot, moving folding chairs to the entertainment tent, setting up front of town hall.

Saturday/Sunday 5 pm – taking bags of garbage out of garbage cans and placing near street.

Meadow Lane Parking Lot

24+ parking lot volunteers

We need 12 parking lot volunteers for each day of the festival. You will help direct cars to parking spots and collect donations to the scholarship fund. A parking lot shift is 2 hours long - spent walking around. Volunteers need to be prepared for all weather.

Pumpkin Procurer

Someone with a truck to pick up pumpkins anytime Thursday or Friday am. Deliver to stage on town common.

Port-O-Pots Overseer

NO CLEANING involved. Order port-o-pots from our vendor, make sure they get placed in the designated spots on Friday morning, and circulate toilet paper to someone in charge of each port-o-pot.

Town Hall set-up/tear down

Set up: Setup town hall on Wednesday; clear out the first floor and set up tables. Upstairs – if chairs are in there, stack them behind curtains. Make sure elevators are working.

Tear down: Monday morning – put everything back that was stored.

Town Hall Stage Designer

1 or more people needed

Design & set-up the front of the Town Hall stage to disguise the chairs. Creativity required.

Town Common Set-up Assistant

2 people needed

We need two people on Saturday morning, 7:30am - 9:00am. You will assist any vendor setting up on the Town Common to carry their supplies from their car, parked beside the Town Common, to their assigned space.

Publicity & Marketing Committee

1 or more people needed

Help with social media, press releases and producing the festival program.

Festival Photographer

1-2 people needed

Take high-quality photos of the festival for use in social media.

Greening Committee (Recycling)

2 or more people needed

Collect and sort recycling periodically throughout the weekend. Bring recycling to the town transfer station and redeemable bottles/cans to a redemption center (in your own vehicle).

Artisan Assistant

2-3 people needed

Help the artists on Friday (set up) and Sunday (tear down) at 5 pm carry their art, crafts and wares up and down the stairs. For this job please contact Jen Smith at ashfieldfallfestivalarts@gmail.com